History and Literature Tutors - Page 6 | Learnok.com

History and Literature Tutors - Page 6

Tutor verified
Have 9 nine years of tutoring experience. I can help in studying English, Japanese, Russian, and Ukrainian. Besides this, I am fond of literature, psy ...
Tutor verified
For some years, I've been working with children and adults to help them understand the English language better. As any person who searches for ways fo ...
Tutor verified
I have been working as an English and literature teacher for 5 years. I enjoy my job and improve my skills all the time. I am also passionate about ph ...
Tutor verified
I have a vast experience in tutoring. I was 17 when I got my first student for teaching English. I have many students now and I also translate for Ukr ...
Tutor verified
I used to be a teacher in university, where I taught law. I also worked as a tutor while I studied in university.
Tutor verified
The list of the disciplines I am proficient in includes English, Math, and IT (not only coding, but overall high-tech topics and computer-related subj ...
Tutor verified
Tutoring experience: 1) Helped college students with math/stats and essay writing assignments. 2) Taught roommates how to prepare their tax returns. H ...

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