Why us
Things our clients love about our service
I wish I didn’t have so many assignments to work on.
Dude, at least you don’t have to pay bills.
Being a student basically means one thing: maneuvering and trying to find a delicate balance between academic assignments, social life, and good sleep. People who manage all three are extremely rare, and should be considered heroes.
But, if you are not one of them, there is still a great option for you: LearnOK, the new web service aimed at making students’ lives easier.
How so?
LearnOK is a website providing 24/7 academic assistance. Think of it as of an ambulance: you have a problem, you call the right guys, problem solved. We work the same way: you post your inquiry on our website, and we find the solution for you within just 1-2 hours: a professional tutor or peer student mentor who can help you out. We also can help you with all kinds of non-academic questions, such as campus life, nearby places to hang out, and so on.
You mean you do stuff for people?
Not really. We help people — students, mostly — do stuff. We explain, show, guide, teach, evaluate, give advice, and so on. You can think of us as of consultants on academic issues.
Okay looks like I could use your help. But who’s this ‘we’ you keep talking about?
“We” are a team of tutors
Tutor and peer mentors
Mentor, proficient in various academic disciplines. We are like Google within Google, but smaller, and focused solely on helping you study better. Why do we do this? Well, because we are that awesome, and also because you pay us.
Ri-i-ight, I knew there was a catch. It all sounded too good to be for free
No, do not get us wrong. We do have free services. We’ve all been students, and we know what you’re going through. So, if you are out of money and have no possibility to pay for the help of our experts, you can cry out for help to your fellow students, studying right beside you—perhaps, even in the same classroom.
Looks like LearnOK gathers people from different colleges and universities all over the world and lets them help each other.
Yes, exactly.
Okay, but isn’t Q&A something tons of other websites do?
Yes and no. LearnOK sees itself as an international studying community, so we really fall over ourselves to be the best, and to provide the highest quality services. Besides, caring about our students, we provide full and partial refunds in case you are not satisfied with the work of our experts. Oh yeah, and you pay for our help only after you receive it, so you’re always on the safe side.
So you guys charge money for just answering questions? Meh, I have free Google for that!
LearnOK is more than a simple Q&A service. You cannot hire Google to teach you stuff, or consult you on the most pressing issues live—but our community can. Join in! We’ve got tutors who will help you with a variety of tasks. We have peer mentors, students just like you, who, after mastering a certain discipline and having their competence verified, have started to work as consultants on LearnOK. You can become a mentor (and later a tutor) too, and start earning money on LearnOK with your knowledge and experience!
Okay, you’ve almost got me. Is there something else?
Sure! Well, not right now, but we are planning to eventually enable a bunch of amazing functions such as buying and selling academic-related stuff, for example, (textbooks, conspectus, equipment and materials, and so on), so stay tuned in, and we’ll inform you on what’s new.
So, what you’re gonna do now is register on LearnOK, and start to enjoy all the benefits it has to offer. Our goal is to create an anonymous peer-to-peer community of people helping each other with studying. Join, participate, and help each other!