world history

Where could I find resourses on information relating the intellectual transformations of the axial age to the political developments


in the classical period

You may find resourses on information relating the intellectual transformations of the axial age to the political developments in the classical period from several sources. Online, you may wish to visit Khan Academy ( to specifically explore the Axial Age and its consequences. Additionally, books such as “The Great Transformation: the Beginning of Our Religious Traditions” by Karen Armstrong and “The World of the Ancient Greeks: Conquest, Colonies and Trade” by M.I. Finley provide a good overview of the spiritual changes associated with the Axial Age and their impact on political thought and practice in the classical period. You may also visit your local library or search through databases such as JSTOR or Academic Search Premier to find additional books, journal articles, and more.

Answered by bowenjustin

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