Who are some must read authors? One that is alive and one that is a part of hist ...

Who are some must read authors? One that is alive and one that is a part of history is preferable. I have to do a comparison essay on them.


Nicanor Parra, my favourite poet. He's 101 years old and still going hard.Roberto BolaƱo said that Pedro Lemebel was his generation's best poet, even though he didn't write poetry. I agree. Lemebel wrote mostly short stories; he only wrote one novel. He died a year ago and is someone who you should give a read. His way of writing was intended for the average Chilean guy (as is Parra's writing), so I don't know if his oeuvre translates very well, but hey, you don't lose much by trying!

Answered by Titouan Leroux

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