Where can I get a good idea for my science project? | Learnok.com

Where can I get a good idea for my science project?

Where can I get a good idea for my science project?


The best ideas are usually located within our heads. The more you open yourself to systematic portions of knowledge on a certain subject, the more thoughts and ideas your mind produces about it (this happens because our brains often process problems subconciously - you need to only "load" the necessary initial data in it, and wait for it to produce an answer). This is why science projects are usually assigned in the end of a course: ideally, by the end of studying a discipline your mind should already be full of thoughts and ideas about it (this may not happen if you skipped a lot of classes, were inattentive during lessons, and so on). If not, try googling something up" the Internet is full of all kinds of topic lists for science projects.

Answered by Jo Watson

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