What is the significance of points-of-parity & points-of-difference in planning


Points-of-parity and points-of-difference are two elements of planning that are used to differentiate and position a particular product or brand on the market. Points of Parity (POPs) refers to the attributes or benefits that a brand or product shares with its competitors and allows the product to be perceived as credible, or to secure mind share in the eyes of the customer. Points of Difference (PODs) allow the brand or product to be seen as distinct and superior to its competitors, and they help to differentiate the product and to create an emotional connection between the product and the customer. In summary, points-of-parity and points-of-difference are an important part of planning and positioning a product and brand, as the two elements provide a means to ensure the brand or product is seen and understood in the best way possible by potential customers.

Answered by Michael

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