What is the Better Life Index (BLI)? What are some of the dimensions included in it?


The Better Life Index (BLI) is an aggregate index created by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to measure the well-being of citizens of OECD countries. The BLI takes into account various aspects of an individual’s life, such as systemic and non-systemic dimensions. The BLI is comprised of 11 dimensions which include: income, jobs, housing, health, work-life balance, subjective well-being, safety, education, environment, civic engagement, and life satisfaction. Income is measured by looking at GDP per capita, unemployment rate, and income inequality. Jobs measure the quality of the available employment opportunities by looking at the unemployment rate and long-term unemployment rate. Housing looks at areas such as the affordability of housing and the size of dwellings. Health includes indicators such as life expectancy at birth and self-reported health status. Work-life balance examines the use of time with dimensions such as hours spent working, leisure, and commuting. Subjective well-being looks at general happiness and life satisfaction. Safety is measured by looking at homicide rates, intentional assaults, and fear of crime. Education looks at measures such as education attainment and quality of the educational system. Environment examines the quality of air, water, and other environmental parameters. Civic engagement looks at voter turnout, involvement in associations, and trust in government. Lastly, life satisfaction assesses individuals’ subjective well-being.

Answered by floresdiane

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