What are the three areas in which democracies and autocracies differ?


1. Election of leaders: Democracies operate on the principle of a free and fair election in which citizens have the right to vote and select their leaders in a secret ballot. On the other hand, autocracies are governed by a single person or a small group of individuals with no elections. 2. Respect for the rule of law: Democracies seek to create a society where every person’s rights and liberties are protected by the rule of law and upheld by an independent judiciary. Autocracies, however, often restrict the rights of citizens and impose repressive laws that are selectively enforced in a manner that maximizes the leader’s power and control. 3. Promotion of political participation: Democracies seek to actively engage citizens in the government and decision-making processes by encouraging public dialogue, promoting public debate and building public consensus. Autocracies often maintain control by suppressing political organization, preventing meaningful public participation and limiting public expression.

Answered by Phillip Chung

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