What are the procedures of scientific research? (There are 9!)


1. Formulate the question: Scientific research starts with the formulation of a question that can be answered through experimentation and data analysis. This allows researchers to narrow down the scope of their research and develop an approach to answer the question. 2. Research the topic: Once a research question has been formulated, scientists will next work to research the topic. This may include reading and analyzing related scientific literature, conducting surveys, or collecting other data related to the topic. 3. Develop a hypothesis: A hypothesis is an educated guess about the answer to the research question. Scientists form hypotheses to provide a framework for their experiments and to make predictions about outcomes. 4. Design an experiment: Researchers will then design a specific experiment to test the predicted outcome. Careful consideration of the details, such as the controls, materials and procedures, is essential in order to produce valid results. 5. Collect data: Depending on the type of experiment, data is collected via observations, measurements, or surveys. 6. Analyze data: Once data is collected, it is analyzed to determine if the experiment supported the hypothesis. 7. Draw conclusions: Based on the results, scientists will draw conclusions as to whether the hypothesis was correct. 8. Communicate results: Scientists will then communicate their results through scientific journals, presentations, or other media. 9. Repeat the process: Depending on the experiment, scientists may repeat the entire process in order to

Answered by Bonnie Kim

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