What are some of the general qualities (location, elevation, climate) of areas where we find our largest concentrations of human beings?


Location: Large human populations are generally found near sources of water, along coastlines and near major rivers, such as the Nile and the Yangtze. In some countries, such as Bangladesh and India, large populations can be found near estuaries and deltas. People also tend to cluster around certain natural features, such as mountain passes and major transportation points, which may be located within a variety of climates. Elevation: A majority of large populations can be found at an elevation of less than 300 feet above sea level. This is because the atmosphere is thicker, and more energy is produced in the form of sunshine, which is necessary for growing food and powering industry. Climate: The climate of regions with large populations is generally mild or temperate. Areas with mild climates are advantageous for agriculture, which helps to support large populations. Areas of extreme heat or cold tend not to have as much of a human presence.

Answered by Erica

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