what are some issues with pure capitalism


Pure capitalism, also known as laissez-faire capitalism, is an economic system that relies on the free market to set prices, determine wages, and match buyers and sellers. Pure capitalism has some issues that can ultimately leave many individuals out in the cold. 1. Monopoly Power: Pure capitalism allows for large corporations to gain near monopoly power in the markets they operate in. This can lead to higher prices and decreased wages for workers, as well as reduced competition. 2. High Income Inequality: Pure capitalism does little to address income inequality, as those with the most resources tend to have the greatest advantage in the market. This creates disparities of wealth and may lead to significant inequality between classes of people. 3. Minimal Government Regulation: Without government regulation and oversight, the market can become highly unstable and result in financial crashes, economic booms and busts, and monopoly power. This lack of regulation can also result in market distortions such as predatory behavior, exorbitant fees, and exploitation of workers. 4. Plutocracy: As powerful players in the free market gain more and more wealth, they acquire more and more influence. This dynamic results in a political system that serves solely the interests of the wealthiest class, ignoring the needs of the greater public.

Answered by Edward Patterson

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