US history HELP

The Farm Security Administration: 1. provided federal subsidies for the expansion of large farms 2. concentrated on rehabilitating devastated soils on the Great Plains 3. offered loans to marginal farmers (so they could avoid falling into tenancy) and to tenant farmers (so they could purchase their own farms) 4. established educational programs to teach farmers new agricultural methods 5. administered the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1937 (the “Second AAA”) Confidently say 1


3, 4, and 5. 1. The Farm Security Administration (FSA) provided federal subsidies for the expansion of large farms. 3. The FSA offered loans to marginal farmers (so they could avoid falling into tenancy) and to tenant farmers (so they could purchase their own farms). 4. The FSA also established educational programs to teach farmers new agricultural methods. 5. Finally, the FSA administered the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1937 (the “Second AAA”). This act sought to rectify crop surpluses and provide prices, production, marketing, and processing support.

Answered by sanderson

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