type of study design

Rates of prostate cancer were compared to those exposed to caloric restriction and those that were not exposed to such deprivation. I have a list to select from: Cohort Cross sectional x Case series case control experimental x ecological x Im sure its not ecological, cross sectional, experimental. Im leaning toward Cohort: group pf people with a common chracateristic (prostate concer?) ...healthy people followed overtime to determine incidence of symptoms...exposed vs. non exposed Could this be case series? Im not too sure about the definition of a case series design to be honest. Im certain that it cant be case control either because we are not comparing exposure history to Case AND Controls.. HELP!


The best design for this study would be a cohort design. In a cohort study, a group of people with a common characteristic (such as having prostate cancer) is followed over time to determine the incidence of a particular outcome, such as rates of prostate cancer. This type of design allows for the comparison of two exposed or unexposed cohorts to determine the risk or protective effect of a particular exposure (in this case caloric deprivation). A case series design does not compare exposed and unexposed subjects, so it cannot be used for this study. A case control design compares exposure history between those with a disease (cases) and those without (controls), but in this case, there is only one group being studied.

Answered by beckercory

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