"The Truth About Relativity"


The Theory of Relativity, as proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905, is a set of ideas about space, time, and how objects interact which explains our universe from a different perspective than traditional physics. This theory makes many counterintuitive predictions, and has been firmly established by a broad range of experiments and observations over more than a century. The Theory of Relativity suggests that space and time are not absolute and distinct, but are instead entwined and inter-related, forming a fabric of space-time. It also states that the speed of light, in a vacuum, is the same for all observers, and that the laws of physics remain constant in any frame of reference. In addition, it proposes that gravity affects not only the motion of objects, but also light and time. Finally, the Theory of Relativity implies that there is no absolute reference frame of motion, or a preferred method of measuring motion, only relative motion between two points.

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