The religious and social orthodoxy established by the Puritans could not last in New England because:


The changing makeup of New England society was one of the key factors contributing to the decline of Puritan orthodoxy. By the 18th century, the religious and social landscape of New England had become increasingly diverse and tolerant of differing viewpoints, resulting in an erosion of the unified Puritan worldview. In addition, the rapid social and economic changes of the period caused many to question and challenge fundamental puritan beliefs and practices. As more people migrated to New England from other parts of the world, the influence of different cultures and beliefs further diminished the Puritan religious and social orthodoxy. Finally, with the Great Awakening of the mid-1700s, an evangelical Protestant reformation that focused on individual spiritual experience gained a foothold in New England and provided an alternate to Puritan beliefs and practices. Ultimately, the combination of these factors resulted in the decline of the Puritan religious and social orthodoxy.

Answered by vicki49

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