STAT 200 Chamberlain College of Nursing Deliverables Course Project

Scenario/SummaryThis week you will submit both parts of the course project. You completed Part I in Week 6 and will complete Part II this week. You will submit one word document with both parts of the project. ( the project for week 6 is attached)Hypothesis Testing is the use of statistics to determine the probability that a given claim is true.In Part II of this project, you will choose a data set, review claims and perform hypothesis testing and make a decision. You will then complete a write-up that includes the calculations.The government logs the number of documented births, deaths, marriages and divorces; however, it is possible to have undocumented cases. In part II of this project, you are going to test claims about total births, deaths, marriages and divorces.DeliverablesWith the information that you gather from the summary tables, test the following (you can use excel when appropriate):For each of the tests above, in your report, be sure to—Lastly, propose and conduct your own test of hypothesis about the Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce data that you have been analyzing. Make sure to follow the five steps above.Required SoftwareMicrosoft Office: Word and ExcelUse a personal copy or access the software at (Links to an external site.) .GradingThis activity will be graded based on the Course Project grading rubric.Course Outcomes (CO): 6Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday of Week 7Course Project RubricPreviousNext
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