
How does the mass media play a role in socialization? Consider the last time you viewed a television show, a movie, listened to a radio broadcast, or read an article from a newspaper or journal. Who was the intended audience? What factors might determine who the intended audience is What forms of deviance are evident in the mass media? Identify an example of deviance portrayed in the mass media. How might this behavior affect the audience? Explain the cause of the social deviance based on one of the sociological perspectives


. The mass media plays a major role in socialization by providing individuals with information, ideas, and images that shape their beliefs and behaviors. For example, when viewers watch a television show or a movie, they often see how people, particularly those in positions of power or authority, behave in society and may be influenced in how they respond to similar situations. Similarly, content from the radio, newspapers, and journals can shape how people view their roles in society. One example of deviance portrayed in the mass media is the glamorization of criminal activities. Criminals who break the law and, in some cases, threaten public safety can be portrayed as admired or respected figures in certain movies, television shows, and music videos. This can lead viewers to accept or even glamorize these behaviors, leading to an increase in criminal activity. From a functionalist perspective, this deviance is caused by people’s desire to break from society’s norms and rebel, creating a state of disequilibrium and a need for social control.

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