
Okay... here's the assignment. I've been trying this for a week and I'm screwed. Spend 30 minutes on each of these sites and answer the following questions in a 3-5 page paper, APA style. pchrgaza (dot) ps memri (dot) org/archives (dot) html In this assignment, students are asked to visit two web sites -- one pro-Palestinian and one pro-Israeli -- and write a report on the role of prejudice in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are three parts to the assignment: 1.


Summarize the main points of view expressed on the web site. 2. Analyze. Describe the role of prejudice and stereotyping in influencing these views. 3. Reflect. Explain why it is important to understand the role of prejudice and stereotyping in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Part 1: Explain. The first website,, is ran by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and is a pro-Palestinian organization that seeks to support the human rights of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. Specifically, it works to pursue legal action against any violations of the Palestinian people's rights and to expose the truth of what is happening in the region. One of its main focuses is to provide reports on the situation of Palestinians in the region, as well as to shed light on the systematic and unwarranted displacement, displacement of tens of thousands of Palestinians in order to make way for the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. In addition, the website showcases the numerous campaigns, campaigns that are being taken up by Palestinians in order to speak out against the Israeli occupation and mistreatment of Palestinian people, as well as to end the occupation of Palestine. The second website,, is a pro-Israeli outlet and is run by the Middle East Media Research Institute. It primarily focuses on providing translations of news and other media from the Middle East, in

Answered by trevor09

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