Which 6 are energy from sunlight?? nuclear energy,geothermal energy,tidal energy,fusion energy,wind,hydroelectric energy,solar energy,biomass,fossil fuels,ocean thermal,energy conversion


Nuclear energy is the energy released from splitting atoms (nuclear fission) or combining them (nuclear fusion). Geothermal energy is the heat energy that is derived from the Earth's mantle and core. Tidal energy is the energy extracted from the movement of large bodies of water, such as oceans, in response to the gravitational pull of the moon. Fusion energy is created by a process of combining lighter, positively charged nuclei to form heavier nuclei, resulting in the release of huge quantities of energy. Wind energy is created by using turbines to capture and convert the kinetic energy from moving air or wind. Hydroelectric energy is produced by the action of flowing water on turbines, converting the energy of the flowing water into electricity. Solar energy is energy derived from the sun, usually in the form of solar radiation. Biomass energy is energy created by burning organic materials, such as plants and animal by-products. Fossil fuels are energy sources formed from the remains of plants and animals that have undergone chemical transformation over millions of years. Ocean thermal energy is energy produced from the temperature difference between the warm surface water and the cold water of deep oceans. Energy conversion is the process of converting energy from one form to another.

Answered by Andrea Carter

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