
A vector drawn 55 mm long represents a velocity of 25 m/s. How long should you draw a vector to represent a velocity of 17 m/s? please help me!! 55mm is to 25m/s as X is to 17m/s...maybe? thanks..i tried that and the answer was wrong...these questions are just really tricky. thank you though. :( 29 But how do you get 29??? If there are 55mm per 25m/s, then there are 55/25 mm/(m/s). So 2.2 mm/(m/s) is the basic unit for representing the vector. Then length=unit*velocity= length=2.2 mm/(m/s) * 17m/s You tried 55 x (17/25) =??


55 x (17/25) = 34.2, so 34.2 mm is the length of the vector needed to represent a velocity of 17 m/s.

Answered by jaysmith

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