
At an instant when a soccer ball is in contact with the foot of a player kicking it, the horizontal or x component of the ball's acceleration is 780 m/s2 and the vertical or y component of its acceleration is 1160 m/s2. The ball's mass is 0.38 kg. What is the magnitude of the net force acting on the soccer ball at this instant?


The net force acting on the soccer ball at this instant can be calculated using the equation F = ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass of the soccer ball (0.38 kg in this case), and a is the acceleration in vector form (780 m/s2 in the x-direction and 1160 m/s2 in the y-direction). Therefore, the magnitude of the net force is equal to √(780)2 + (1160)2 = 1765.6 N.

Answered by drakejohn

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