
on a trip a car covers 42.3 miles in 40.0 minutes. find the average velocity in m/s and km/hr


The average velocity in m/s is 16.9 m/s. This can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled (42.3 miles) by the time taken (40 minutes), which is equal to 0.652 miles/minute. To convert from miles/minute to m/s, multiply the value by 1609 meters/mile and divide by 60 seconds/minute. This gives 16.9 m/s.

The average velocity in km/hr is 54.8 km/hr. This can be calculated by taking the value from the m/s (16.9) and multiplying by 3.6, which is equal to 54.8 km/hr.

To explain, velocity is a measure of the rate of change in displacement, which is the distance a body moves or travels in a given period of time. By dividing the distance traveled (in this case 42.3 miles) by the time taken (40 mins) we can calculate the average velocity (16.9 m/s or 54.8 km/hr).

Answered by vchambers

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