Percentage of free space in cubic close packed structure and in body centred packed structure are respectively

Percentage of free space in cubic close packed structure and in body centred packed structure are respectively(a) 30% and 26% (b) 26% and 32%  (c) 32% and 49% (d) 48% and 26%


The correct answer is (a) 30% and 26%. In a Cubic Close Packed (CCP) structure, the atoms are arranged in hexagonal layers, and the ratio of atoms to the total space is 3:7. This means that each layer will contain 3 parts atoms, and the remaining 7 parts will remain empty. This gives a free space of 30%. In Body Centred Cubic (BCC) structure, the atoms are arranged over the 8 corners of the cube plus the center. This means that the ratio of atoms to the total space is 2:8. This means that each layer will contain 2 parts atoms, and the remaining 8 parts will remain empty. This gives a free space of 26%.

Answered by ismith

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