Numeric DV: Y
Numeric IVs: Age, Sex, StateAnx, TraitAnx
Categorical IV: Occup (4 levels)
Conducting appropriate analysis, we determine that all 5 IVs are statistically significant in the full additive model. Which syntax could we have used to test the nul


We could have used a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test the null hypothesis about Occup. Specifically, we could have used a syntax such as "ANOVA Occup Age Sex StateAnx TraitAnx /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE". This syntax would use the three-way ANOVA method to test the null hypothesis that Occup does not have an effect on the dependent variable, controlling for Age, Sex, StateAnx, and TraitAnx.

Answered by Christopher

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