Modernization Theory of Development


Modernization theory is the process of a society’s transition from traditional or pre-modern to modern practices, values and beliefs. It proposes that modernization is a process of social change whereby societies move from traditional or pre-modern to modern practices, values and beliefs. The theory originally focused on the transition from a pre-modern to a modern society and identified a number of interrelated areas of change such as economic systems, education, communication, technology and social values. These changes are seen as occurring progressively, over time as societies evolve. The theory claims that all modern societies must undergo a process of modernization, which involves the adoption of certain values, attitudes and beliefs associated with modernity while rejecting those of traditionalism and that modernity has a universal character, applicable to all societies regardless of their geographical, political, social or economic circumstances. The main emphasis of the theory is that modernization is a positive process which can improve the socio-economic conditions of a society.

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