
Quadrilateral KLMN has vertices K(-2,-2), L(1,1), M(0,4), and N(-3,5). It is first translated by (x + 2,y - 1) and then translated by (x - 3,y + 4). When a figure is translated twice, a double prime symbol is used. Find the coordinates of K" L" M" N" after both translations.


K"(-3, -3) , L"(-2, 4), M"(-3, 7), N"(-6,9) The explanation is that both translations move the coordinates in a certain direction. The first translation of (x + 2,y - 1) will move each coordinate two units to the right and one unit down, and the second translation of (x - 3,y + 4) will move each coordinate three units to the left and four units up. We can use the original coordinates of KLMN, apply each translation, and find the coordinates of K" L" M" N" after both translations.

Answered by nbrown

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