
If a bug crawls 2cm up and 1cm down each day how long does it take for the bug to reach the top of a 12cm jar


It will take the bug 26 days to reach the top of the 12cm jar. This is because 2 cm up plus 1 cm down equals a total of 3 cm of movement each day, and 12 divided by 3 is approximately 4, with a remainder of 0. Since the bug has to move 3 cm each day to get closer to the top of the jar, it will take 4 days for it to reach 8 cm, and then another 2 days for it to reach 10 cm. Finally, it will take the last 2 days (for a total of 26 days) for the bug to reach the top of the 12cm jar.

Answered by Gerald Brooks

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