
How do you do this problem. Thanks for your help. 4(2m+3)=-3(m-1)+7


This is an algebraic equation where you need to solve for m. To do this, you first need to make sure that the equation is in the form: Ax+B=C, where A, B and C are constants and x represents the variable m. In this case, you can start by combining the terms with the same variable on the same side of the equation. For example, moving the term -3m to the same side as 4m: 4(2m+3)=-3(m-1)+7 becomes 4(2m+3)+3m=-3(m-1)+7+3m Now the equation is in the form Ax+B=C. A is 4, x is m and B is 5, so the equation becomes 4m+5=-3+7. Finally, you can solve for m by subtracting 5 from both sides and then dividing both sides by 4. So, the equation becomes 4m=-8/4 or m=-2. So, the answer is m=-2.

Answered by smithrobert

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