Literature Review-Steps for Conducting


A literature review is a comprehensive analysis of existing literature on a specific topic. It can help you gain an understanding of the existing body of knowledge, develop ideas and identify potential gaps in the literature. Conducting a literature review involves a number of steps, including: 1. Develop a research question: Begin by identifying a specific area of interest, narrowing your focus to a specific topic. 2. Identify relevant sources: Search the Library's catalog, databases, and open web sources to identify relevant sources. 3. Analyze and evaluate sources: Analyze the relevance and quality of the sources found. Use criteria such as accuracy, reliability, timeliness, depth of coverage, etc. to evaluate the sources and select the most appropriate ones. 4. Create an annotated bibliography: Compile a list of sources and include an annotation for each entry that summarizes the main points of the source. 5. Integrate the sources: Read and analyze the sources, distilling their main points and synthesizing the source material. 6. Write the review: Draft the literature review, citing the sources used and summarizing the main points. 7. Edit and revise: Revise the draft several times to edit for clarity and completeness.

Answered by carl10

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