However, current regulations and market forces in place suggest steadily declining US emissions:


The US has implemented numerous policies to reduce emissions, including the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the Paris Agreement. The CAA, which was enacted in 1963, sets limits on several types of air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter, that are precursors to climate change. The Paris Agreement is an international agreement to limit global warming by reducing emissions. The US is also taking measures to increase the efficiency of its energy production, including the Energy Independence Executive Order issued by President Obama in 2015, which sets a goal of transitioning to 80% clean energy by 2035. In addition to these policies, market forces such as increasing demand for clean energy sources and the corresponding decrease in demand for fossil fuels are also playing a role in lowering emissions. As clean energy sources increasingly replace traditional sources of energy, the amount of emissions created by energy production decreases. Demand for energy efficiency has also driven down emissions, as energy efficiency improvements reduce the amount of energy needed for a given task and ultimately reduce emissions.

Answered by carlsoncarol

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