How was trans-Eurasian trade impacted by the expansion of existing empires between 600 C.E. and 1450 C.E.?


The expansion of existing empires between 600 C.E. and 1450 C.E. significantly impacted trans-Eurasian trade. Empires throughout the region, such as the Tang dynasty and the Abbasids, worked to create trade networks that spanned the Silk Road, connecting Europe and the Middle East to Central and East Asia. This facilitated an unprecedented increase in trade through increased security, unified economic policies, and reliable infrastructure. Merchants from across the region began to exchange goods and knowledge, with many geographical and cultural boundaries becoming blurred. Technology, language, and economic practices from different empires combined to form a vibrant trade network throughout Eurasia. As a result, goods such as silk, spices, and gold began to be exchanged along the route, stimulating economic growth and prosperity in the region.

Answered by lisa12

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