How do I do a science project?
A science project is a challenging and complicated (but interesting) task. In order to accomplish it, you need to make the following steps. 1) Choose your topic and consult with your instructor/supervisor on it; 2) do some preliminary research on the chosen subject - it should provide you with enough information top roceed to the next step, which is: 3) formulate a hypothesis and/or research question(s); 4) Conduct a more thorough and grounded research, aimed at proving your hypothesis, covering your research questions, etc. 5) Carry out all the necessary experiments, observations, and other procedures required by your topic; 6) if the results of your project will be presented at a science fair, construct a display in which you will them to the visitors. If your research was more theoretical than practical (and you do not have any showy things to demonstrate to the visitors) you should consider demonstrating graphs, video materials, and images to your audience; 7) Write a report describing all the details of your scientific project; 8) Prepare a speech; in it, you must cover the main aspects of your research, explain its significance, and show what you have actually been doing during the project.