How did Ivan III lead the Russians to their independence from the Mongols?


Ivan III of Russia (also known as Ivan the Great) was an accomplished monarch during a time of transition in the late 15th century. He essentially led the Russian people to independence from the Mongols through a combination of diplomatic, military, and administrative measures. The first major step he took was to terminate the Mongol yoke—the decorative title given by his predecessors to their Mongol overlords. He then pursued a diplomatic approach with other European powers, strengthening his position against the Mongols. He also put in place a system of reforms and projects to embolden the Church and the Russian people. Ivan's reforms also paved the way for a military alliance against the Mongols. He organized what would become the most successful and feared Russian forces of his time, known as the Streltsy, and constructed the walls of Russia’s first St. Petersburg fortress. Finally, Ivan established new administrative measures which allowed the various Russian provinces more autonomy. This gave them a greater sense of control, nationalism, and pride, helping to aid the Russians in their struggle for independence. In the end, through his deft leadership and determination, Ivan III ushered in a new age of freedom and autonomy for the Russian people, ensuring their independence from the Mongols.

Answered by kimberly09

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