
(Please.) This is my last question of the night. I need help filling in the blank. Wilson says he alone represented the people__________________. Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum yet again. You may not be receiving answers for the following reasons: 1. Are you attempting any of these questions alone? The board is literally flooded with your questions, many of which are repeated more than once. 2. When you say Wilson, this is not "crystal clear." Do you mean that as a first name or as a last? There are so many Wilson names that, taken out of context, we may not have the slightest idea to whom you are referring. 3. You could put more than one question in a posting named "History."


Again, if you have one question, name the thread as such. 4. Those that are attempting to answer you are probably not getting your questions clearly, as you did not fill in the blank. I hope this helps.

Answered by Angela Palmer

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