
Using the documents, analyze African actions and reactions in response to the European Scramble for Africa. DBQ HELP NEED a Thesis or example


A possible thesis statement for this question could be: During the European Scramble for Africa, African people responded to the abrupt changes and challenges they faced with a variety of strategies including negotiation, adaptation, and organized resistance. Indeed, throughout this period African people pursued multiple strategies depending on their individual circumstances. In Ethiopia, they used negotiation to avoid direct European control, while in Southern and Central Africa they adapted to the changed social, economic and political environment created by the Europeans. In areas where direct resistance to colonialism was possible, such as in West Africa, leaders organized resistance movements against the Europeans, seeking to preserve African independence and autonomy. Ultimately, African actions and reactions to the European Scramble for Africa demonstrate their resourcefulness and adaptability in the face of profound change.

Answered by bpowell

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