Extreme weather and subsequent climate events can cause destruction of infrastructure, such as power, water, transportation, communication. Appropriate adaptations might be


Appropriate adaptations could include increased awareness and preparedness for extreme weather and climate events, including weather forecasting for long-term planning, improved infrastructure design and engineering to better withstand storm events, retrofitting of existing infrastructure to improve resilience against extreme events, and the use of backup systems to ensure service continuity. Improved early warning systems and evacuation plans can also provide the public with the necessary information and support in order to take safety precautions in the event of an upcoming extreme weather event. There are also several technological developments that can be implemented to reduce the risk and mitigate the impacts of extreme events such as weatherproof building materials, intelligent systems that analyze atmospheric conditions and adjust building structures accordingly, and mobile communication systems to improve landlines and wireless networks in areas prone to extreme weather events.

Answered by elliseric

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