Explain the Boolean operators and their impact on search result while connecting two keyword “A” and “B”.

Explain the Boolean operators and their impact on search result while connecting two keyword “A” and “B”.


The Boolean operators are logical operators that allow you to combine keyword search terms, creating more specific queries. These operators provide the ability to narrow, widen, or redefine your search. When using two keywords, such as "A" and "B", the Boolean operators will determine the relationship between them and what kind of search result will be shown. If you use the “AND” operator between the two keywords, only documents that include both “A” and “B” will be displayed in the search results. When using the “OR” operator, documents that contain either “A” or “B” will be displayed. The “NOT” operator allows you to exclude documents containing one of the keywords, so if you use the “NOT” operator in between “A” and “B”, documents containing “A” will be displayed, but not those containing “B”. Finally, the “NEAR/n” operator will allow you to set the maximum distance between two words, as “n” is an integer between 0 and 4. This operator will include documents that contain “A” and “B”, within a certain proximity of each other; the closer together the words are, the higher the document will be ranked.

Answered by Christopher

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