Energy consumption and growth per country


The relationship between energy consumption and economic growth is well documented. Generally speaking, countries with growing economies consume more energy. As countries grow, they need more energy for production, transportation, manufacturing, and consumption. Similarly, the use of energy services is correlated to a country’s economic output. As countries become wealthier, they have greater access to and use more energy resources to facilitate their development. Increasing energy consumption leads to increased economic growth, as consumption provides the energy for increased production, and increased production leads to increased GDP. At the same time, although the relationship between energy and economic growth is often thought of as a one-way relationship, in some cases, it can work the other way. Increased energy efficiency, for example, can lead to increased economic growth, as increased efficiency leads to more economic output, more capital investment and more jobs. This is why many countries have adopted policies to promote energy efficiency, and why the development of energy efficient technologies has the potential to be a driver of economic growth.

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