
1. Pick a business that you are familiar with and list three (3) fixed and (3) variable inputs associated with that business. 2. What are some things that you think that business could do to reduce their costs? Why?


Answer: 1. A clothing retailer: Fixed inputs: retail location, merchandise, labor Variable inputs: electricity, transportation and advertising 2. The clothing retailer could reduce costs by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. For example, they could analyze the cost of different shipping options and choose the most cost-effective way to get their merchandise to customers. Additionally, they could use technology to reduce labor costs. They could introduce automation for stocking and inventory management, or use mobile devices or POS systems for checkout and payments. This could reduce the need for additional staff or extra hours. Lastly, they could optimize their advertising and marketing strategies, by targeting only their most valuable customers and reducing spending on ineffective campaigns.

Answered by Jonathan

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