
In 1000 BC, the Chinese people used Cowry shells as a method of currency. Why is this significant?


Cowry shells are significant because they are believed to be the oldest form of money used by the Chinese people. The shells had a wide variety of uses and were used to represent wealth, power, and prestige. They could be used to make purchases, pay taxes, and pay off debts. As early as 1000 BC, Cowry shells served as a medium of exchange in the advanced markets of the Chinese civilization; they were also used as decorative objects to be given as gifts. This system of currency was the most popular form of payment in the country until the introduction of metal coins around 250 BC. This method of currency is significant because it marks the beginning of financial exchange in the country, as well as illustrating the value of shell currency before the introduction of metal coins.

Answered by pmoody

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