Describe the life of a serf.


Serfs were the lowest level of feudal European society during the Middle Ages. In exchange for protection from their Lord, serfs were legally required to work the Lord’s land and in return, were granted the use of a small plot of land for their own sustenance from which taxes were paid. Life as a serf was a difficult one. Serfs worked from sunrise to sunset and often seven days a week. During the spring and summer months, serfs worked in the fields of their Lord’s estate, planting and harvesting crops. During the winter, the workload changed but the work was no less arduous. Serfs labored in carpentry, blacksmithing and other trades, in addition to various repair work around the estate. Living conditions were crowded and primitive. Most serfs shared one-room huts with a dirt floor. They had few possessions and the food they produced was basic. Clothes were made from animal skins and were rarely replaced. Due to their status, serfs had no freedom or political rights and were not allowed to travel or own land. They were heavily taxed and could be punished by their Lord if they failed to fulfill their obligations. It was a difficult life but one that many had no choice but to accept.

Answered by hmccormick

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