Decision Point: The Difference Between Advertising and Publicity
You have advised Adam that he should use a combination of advertising and publicity as part of the TekTints promotional campaign, and he expresses reservations about using your approach. He


Advertising It is a promotional tool consisting of paid, nonpersonal communication used by an identified sponsor to inform an audience about a product. It has less relative credibility because it is paid for by the company. It consists of what the company wants to say about the product, so it always conveys a positive image or message. It can be very expensive, but it is under the control of the company. Publicity It is a promotional tool in which information about a company, a product, or an event is transmitted by the media to attract public attention. It is free, but it is not under the control of the company. It consists of what others say about the product, so it may convey either a positive or a negative image of the message. It has comparatively more credibility because it is given by a third party.

Answered by Melissa Marsh

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