Comprehensive science ADV

Enviromental problems, Endangered animals are becoming endangered one of the ecamples are the panamian godlen frog. which lives in the habitat of high elevation and rainfroests near fresh water streams. What is being done to control freshwater pollution? so far i'v gotten to Surpervising of waterways have regulated people of paying a fee when dumping trash in the water. And also eductaing students,kids,teens,adults, and businesses where to dump trash. but still i need more!! thanks


There are a range of measures that are being implemented to control freshwater pollution. These include: 1. Treatment of wastewater before it is discharged into natural waterways. Wastewater treatment plants use biological processes and physical, chemical, and biological products to clean wastewater prior to discharge. 2. Improved sewage systems and proper disposal of solid waste and sewage. 3. Strengthened agricultural practices such as controlled fertilization and the use of alternative methods such as crop rotation and bioremediation. 4. Monitoring of surface water, ground water, and sediment samples as part of annual water quality surveys, and in response to known or suspected water releases or discharges. 5. Regulation of industries that are discharging pollutants or are potential sources of pollutants to natural waterways. This can include permits, codes of practice, and other approaches. 6. Implementation of best management practices for other sources of pollution, such as agriculture, runoff from hard surfaces, and atmospheric deposition. 7. Improving public awareness through education and outreach programs, such as watershed management planning, volunteer monitoring programs, and participation in public forums. 8. Establishing and managing protected areas, such as wetlands and rivers.

Answered by joseph90

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