Christina Figures-Paris Agreement


The Paris Agreement is an international agreement that was adopted in December 2015 at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris. It aims to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen the global response to climate change. The agreement is the first of its kind to ask all countries to meet the same standards and ambitions in terms of reducing emissions. It also provides a framework for adaptation measures, climate resilience and support for financing the transition to more sustainable development. All parties to the Paris Agreement have agreed to prepare and implement nationally determined contributions to climate action in an effort to reach the global climate goals, including a target of limiting global average temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Christina Figures is an American Climate Scientist who, as part of her research, focuses on the capabilities of world governments to implement and sustain the Paris Agreement. She seeks to understand and explain how each nation will meet the goals set by the Paris Agreement. Her research and expertise are regularly sought out by policy makers, international committees, and other scientists interested in the global efforts to combat climate change.

Answered by Tina Navarro

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