calculus - interval of convergence

infinity of the summation n=0: ((n+2)/(10^n))*((x-5)^n) .. my work so far. i used the ratio test = lim (n-->infinity) | [((n+3)/(10^(n+1)))*((x-5)^(n+1))] / [((n+2)/(10^n))*((x-5)^n)] | .. now my question is: was it ok for me to add "+1" to "n+2" to become "n+3"? = lim (n-->infinity) | [((n+3)/(10^(n+1)))*(((x-5)^(n+1))/1)] * [((10^n)/(n+2))*(1/((x-5)^n))] | = lim (n-->infinity) | [(((n+3)(x-5))/10)*(1/(n+2))] | how do i finish this so that i could find the endpoints? please help. thank you. nvmd. i think i got it.


= |(x-5)| * lim (n-->infinity) |(n+3)/(10(n+2))| The limit of (n+3)/(10(n+2)) as n approaches infinity equals 1/10. Therefore, the sum of the series is 10*|(x-5)|, provided that |(x-5)| < 1. If |(x-5)| > 1, then the series is divergent.

Answered by carlos42

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