C++ programming computer

I'm having some trouble trying to program these problems and putting them into the main function. Please help me by giving some advice or website that offer good information for me. The questions are below here: 1. Write a function that accepts a string of characters from a user and displays the string one word per line. 2. Write a function that accepts a string of characters, then output all the characters of the string in a reversed order. 3. Write a function that counts the number of words in a string. A word is encountered whenever a transition from a blank space to a non-blank character is encountered. Assume that the string contains only words separated by blank spaces. 4.Write a function that accepts a string from a user and convert all lower case letters to upper case letters and also eliminates all blank spaces in the string. Write a program that tests all the above functions.


For help with programming these problems, you can find a range of resources online. Some good sources include Stack Overflow, GeeksforGeeks, and tutorialspoint, to name a few. To test the functions, you could write a main function that calls each of your functions and prints out the result. You could create a string of characters with the words you want to test and pass it into each of the functions to see that the correct output is produced. After running your program and ensuring that the correct output is returned, explain how the program works and why it produces the output that it does.

Answered by aaroncarlson

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