
Proteins are manufactured through the "blueprints" found on DNA. After they are translated, they are moved through a system of internal membranes before being distributed throughout the rest of the cell. At some point in the process, they are modified to their functional form. a.Describe the movement of proteins from their manufacturing point through this internal membrane system. (I think I got the general answer, but I still need a little help on this) b.discuss the role of the following structures in the process: cell membrane, vesicles -at 2 points in the process-, ribosomes, Golgi body, and ER. (I know how all of these fit into the process except the vesicles. When do they come in?) Thanks!


a. Proteins are manufactured by the ribosomes using the information from the DNA sequence as a "blueprint". They are then synthesized and secrete into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Once in the ER, proteins are further modified before being sent to the Golgi body for further packaging or processing. The Golgi body then transports the proteins to vesicles, which are small organelles that act as transport vessels for the proteins, which contain the proteins and other molecules. The vesicles then move along the cytoskeleton until they reach the cell membrane. At the cell membrane, vesicles fuse with the membrane and release their contents into the external environment of the cell.

b. The cell membrane acts as an interface between the inside and outside of a cell, allowing certain substances to enter or exit the cell. The vesicles transport the proteins through the cytoskeleton and are involved in the intracellular transport of molecules, including proteins, from one cell organelle to another. Ribosomes are small organelles that use the information provided by the DNA to assemble proteins following the instructions of the DNA. The Golgi body takes the proteins created by the ribosomes and packages them for secretion or modification. The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranes that stores, assembles and modifies proteins, and moves them to the Golgi.

Answered by ryandonna

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