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To what extent did developments in technology and transportation add to sectionalism in nineteenth century America? I know that the cotton gin has a tremendous effects on the sectionalism but i also know about railrodes... but i don't know how that leads to sectionalism. A little help? Thanks!


Developments in technology and transportation in nineteenth century America helped to further promote sectionalism in the country due to the different ways that each region of the country prospered from them. The invention of the cotton gin, for example, enabled the Southern states to greatly benefit from cotton production, thus giving the region an economic edge over the rest of the nation. This in turn led to a sense of political and social superiority in the South, thus increasing the divide between them and the North. Another significant factor in contributing to sectionalism was the massive growth of the nation's railway network. Fast and efficient transportation provided Northern cities with access to new markets, creating an economy of industry and manufacturing. This left the South lagging behind the North in these crucial developments, making the region's economy much more dependent on slave labor. Again, this helped to increase the already existing divide between the two sides of the country. Overall, advancements in technology and transportation during the nineteenth century certainly had a major role in helping to shape sectionalism in the United States.

Answered by lewisvictoria

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