
Can you help me to find the product of -4x^2 and x^3 + 2x^2 - 5x + 3... and the solution to the equation of x^2 + 30x = 1000...I came up with -20 and 50 but I think it is wrong also can you help me to do the factorization of 6x^2 - 2x -20....Thank You please help with solutions


The product of -4x² and x³ + 2x² - 5x + 3 is -4x⁵ - 8x⁴ + 20x³ - 15x² + 12x. To solve the equation x² + 30x = 1000, use the Quadratic Formula: x = -15 ± √(225 - 1000)/2 = -15 ± √(-775)/2 = -15 ± 15.43 = -30.43 and 14.43. To factorize 6x² - 2x - 20, you can use the Factor Theorem or the trinomial method. Using the trinomial method, you can find two binomials with a sum of -2 and a product of -20. These are -10 and 2. You can express 6x² - 2x - 20 as 6x² - 10x + 2x - 20 = (6x² - 10x) + (2x - 20) = 3x(2x - 5) + 2(2x - 10) = (3x + 2)(2x - 10).

Answered by merrittbrian

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