Algebra; PLEASE HELP. D:

I don't understand anything about writing and graphing exponential decay functions../: Explain please, with an example.


An exponential decay function is a mathematical equation that describes the process of a quantity exponentially approaching zero as time passes. It is usually written in the form of y(t)=Ae^{kt}, where A is the initial value of the quantity, k is the decay rate (a value less than zero), and t is time. For example, if you have an initial population of 10,000 with a decay rate of -0.1, then the equation for the exponential decay function would be y(t)=10,000e^{(-0.1)t}, and the graph will look something like this: y=10,000e^{(-0.1)t} T Y 0 10,000 1 9,000 2 8,100 3 7,290 4 6,561 5 5,905 6 5,315 7 4,784 8 4,306 9 3,875 10 3,488

Answered by Michael Matthews

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